set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "127"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #27:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ CRUST WITH GREEN NOODLES Use a prepared crust. Quickly wash the morels to remove any sand. Put the morels into a bowl, cover with water. Let rise for 1 hour. Drain them, wipe, halve if large. Melt half of the butter in a saucepan, add the finely sliced shallots, fry for 3 minutes, stir continuously, do not allow to brown, add the morels. Stir constantly until the excess water evaporates then cover with half of the cream, the ham diced into small cubes and the spinal cord which has been cut into sections and blanched for 10 minutes in simmering salted water. Salt, pepper, cook over a very low heat for 10 minutes. Put aside. Make a thick white sauce with the remaining butter, the flour and the milk. Thin with the remaining cream, salt, pepper, put aside. Cook the noodles in a lot of salted water with 1 tablespoon of oil. Check the cooking after 8 minutes, taste frequently, the noodles should be cooked but firm. Drain them right away, rinse with cold water, drain very well. Combine the noodles and the morels, adding the Parmesan and the white sauce one tablespoon at a time. Keep warm without any further cooking. Reheat the crust in a low oven, fill with the noodles and serve immediately. @ 1 9 inch crust 2/3 lb fresh green noodles 1 tbsp oil 1/2 lb scalfŐs spinal cord 1 3/4 oz dry morels 1 shallot 1/3 cup butter 1 1/3 oz flour 1 glass milk, boiled 1 cup thick cream 1 slice (1/3 lb) cooked ham 3 tbsp Parmesan cheese salt, pepper @ 30 mn @ 30 mn @ @ Ile-de-France @ Appetizers @ @ @